Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I had a friend tell me yesterday that I came off as actually insane, but that it's okay because I acknowledged it. So in that continued spirit, I know I'm pretty crazy. I prefer to think about it in the passonate and driven sense and not the creepy and restraining order sorta way, (not that I've really given you any reason to believe the former, instead of the latter), but for my sake, let's pretend.

I have basically finished planting my garden and aside for some anal retentive weeding and watering, it's mostly up to the plants to grow big and make babies. Babies I will eat. Right? Cause tomatoes are plant babies no? Anyway, because I've got nothing to do in my little plot my sights have turned elsewhere...(queue the dun dun dun music [is that music? a tone maybe? Whatever it is, make that noise in your head, riiiight NOW!])

So the garden is faced with a fence that's probably 12 feet high, with a smaller gate meant for people and a larger gate meant for vehicle access, behind the fence is a common area garden that's 4 or 5 feet deep. I mentioned in my last post a grassy area that will probably become my summer/fall project, this is part of that are. And well summer/fall is officially now. I had planned on doing this slowly so perhaps maybe people wouldn't notice, I certainly don't want to make waves. I spent yesterday sorting through the pile of potted "plants" that dominated the area. I use the term "plants" in a very loose and generic sense, it's not an animal and it's in a pot, so it's a plant-sense.  I kid you not, half of them are filled with dead or dying plants, another quarter are filled with living "plants" and by "plants" I mean weeds, actual weeds. Yep, welcome to the community garden where we grow dead things and weeds! The last quarter had plants that were alive but missing a label. YAY PLANT MYSTERIES! Still unsure about whether these were the property of a crazy hoarder gardener, I just divided the living from the dead and weeds and figured I'd let them sit for a few days and see if anyone moved or claimed their "plants". I honestly gave myself a day before I couldn't resist and just tossed them all in the garbage, cause I'm crazy and now is better than later.

Luck would have it though that the "Guy in Charge" wandered by and marveled at all the work I had been doing, so I casually asked what the pile of "plants" were doing and what was going to happen with them. (I'm very good at this sort of thing, the: "Hi, this is all garbage, you know it's garbage, I know it's garbage, I'm going to throw it out, I hope that's okay, but if it isn't, I'll do it fast, so it doesn't hurt as much, because this is garbage, garbage.", ie. being a WASP.) Again, luckily he just sort of confirmed that some things were plants the garden got for free and some were just random things to fill in the place in front of the gate and some things he didn't know about, but that "I COULD DO WHATEVER I WANTED". Yeah, I know. I literally laminated that shit and put it in my wallet. I near immediately ripped out all the weeds in the plot next to the fence, planted Marigolds plants and seeds and Four O'Clock seeds. Summer is now folks, we have to hit the ground running! Tomorrow I throw out all the "plants".

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