Monday, May 26, 2014

The Grand Reveal.

Guys, I finally figured out how to make the internets work. Yeah. I know. And I'm entirely sober doing it. Tomorrow, I might even clean my room. Behold the power of over-caffeination!  Besides my mastery of the internet I also spent most of the afternoon in the garden, where excitingly things are starting to sprout and grow! This is mostly a photo update, so please forgive me for destroying your data and everything, but today is the day! The big reveal and some pictures of seeds sprouting!

Essentially this is the layout for the plot, it measures 20 feet by 5.5 feet, the foot path is on the north side of the plot, which corresponds to the left side of the diagram. I'm the first plot, so I have access to it's entirely length, from a patchy grassy area. Between the grassy area and the plot, there's a raised planter that up until now was full of weeds, it's now the home of some perenial ground cover and an herb garden I planted yesterday (It is roughly the top row in the diagram).  I figure my labors should be rewarded and the reward will be tons of dill. The grassy area has turned into my summer/fall project. Right now it's dominated by a dozen or so pots of living/dying plants and weeds that the garden got for free from someone. I obviously can't help myself and you all know me better than to not anal retentively organize and sift through the mess and make some order of it. (I actually spent part of today transplanting some perrenial ground cover plants into the border areas near the foot path and used this really awesome app to help identify some of the plants.)

So here's the layout of the garden! Hopefully it's pretty clear, after the photos there's a short description that might clarify things a bit.  

The actual plot from left to right (North to South) starts with a netting for cucumbers to grow up, the cucumbers, of course, pickling and slicing, then tomatoes, (twelve in total!), there's some green beans mixed in between the tomatoes and summer squash, that will hopefully give a quick harvest before either of their neighbors start getting demanding for space and light. Also, between the potatoes and strawberries and potatoes, are spring/early summer vegetables that by late summer will be replaced with a crop of broccoli, kale and bok choy. If you've got any question about the lay out leave a comment below! Here's a photo standing on the North side, looking through the netting:
NOW, exciting things are also happening in the garden in the seed department. So far we've got glimpses of life from the Green Beans:
And we've got Arugula sprouts!  (Please forgive the terrible shadows. It ain't easy taking pictures of Arugula sprouts, those guys are TINY.)

And last, but certainly not least (cause growing potatoes, sort of ridiculously awesome) Potato sprouts!
Hopefully now you have a sense of what's happening and how things are laid out. And yes, I know it got a bit ridiculous, but the plot is literally bigger than my bedroom, what would you have me do with all this space?! I've been denied fresh vegetables for years. A BOY NEEDS HIS TOMATOES.

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