Sunday, May 25, 2014


Two weekends a month I get to hang out with the coolest ten year old I've ever met. Steven and I are each others respective big and little brothers via Big Brothers Big Sisters. We were matched just before the most ridiculous winter I've had since moving to Brooklyn and so most of our outings have been to museums and movies. Today though, in continuing the long line of child labor in my family, we got to hang out in the garden! I had managed to keep unplanted a bit of land between the squash and tomatoes and so after I picked him up we went to Home Depot, where we wandered around the plant section so he could decide what he wanted to plant. Being a kid after my own heart, he went with the best choice, strawberries! I can't help to be a bit proud that instead of the typical grade school ambition of green beans he want for something a bit more challenging and hopefully rewarding in the yum department!

After we got to the garden and we read the tag for planting tips and instructions we got to work and after the ridiculous thunderstorms and rain of the last two days we got pretty covered in dirt. Once we got the plants in the ground, plus one extra that went home with Steven in a pot, we planted a few rows of green beans and spinach. We also ran into our plot neighbor Christina, this is also her first year so we'll be stumbling through community gardening together! A pretty successful day in the garden and we managed to dodge the rain too!

Here's Steven mid-strawberry planting:
So that's about it of what's happening in the garden. Nothing has sprouted from seeds yet, but I don't doubt the soaking we've gotten in the last week will mean little leaves will be poking through the soil any day!

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